Persistence — You can’t beat a man who never gives up.

Yeliz Ruzgar
6 min readApr 28, 2022
“You just can’t beat the person who never gives up.” — Babe Ruth

Persistent comes from the Latin verb persistere, which means “to continue with strength.” In simple words, persistence means the attitude and personality trait of working hard and trying, again and again, even at times of trouble, facing adversity until complete success is achieved. It’s also about not losing your enthusiasm between mistakes and failures.

The ability to make good decisions comes from experience,

Experience comes from making bad decisions.

Being persistent is about being relentless in pursuit of your goal. It’s about continued efforts and not getting distracted by shiny objects, learning and growing towards achieving your goal, and becoming the person you need to become to be able to deliver the desired outcomes.

Persistence or determination is an attitude and one of the core values of the most successful people in life. Once this core value is obtained it does attract patience, perseverance, faith, hard work, loyalty, and many more positive values for us to achieve our outcomes and have a high-quality life.

Persistence is everything. You must take persistent action. Showing up on the days that you don’t feel like showing up.

Get Up, Dress Up, Show Up & Never Give Up.


It’s about determination and working towards what it is that you want to achieve. Be Steadfast on your mission/goal and be flexible in your approach.

A river cuts through stone, not because it’s stronger than the stone, but because it’s persistent and always hitting that stone hitting until cuts it’s way through. The Colorado River was just a River, but over time it cut through the stone and is now the Grand Canyon. Granted, that was over a couple of million years, but nonetheless, it was the persistence that did it.

If you’re tired of starting over, Stop Quitting!

So often we quit just too soon. So we say well, I tried everything. No, you didn’t try everything, the average person makes 2–3 attempts at something before they give up. Most people stop just short of their goal, it’s when things get hard and the road gets rocky that you must persist, and push through the challenges. Persistence is going to get you where you want to go. Learn to rest, not to quit.

We’ve all seen the picture of 2 people in a mine digging, digging, digging. On top. The guy at the top gives up and quits and at the bottom, you can see the other guy is not giving up and hasn’t lost enthusiasm, he keeps digging and you see all the diamonds just beyond where he’s digging.

Through being persistent, we learn and grow in our personal and business lives. On the way to success, we fail, not once, not twice, many times. We make loads of mistakes, we wanna give up, we cry, we try again and again-still success is not guaranteed. While being persistent in our disciplined actions we also must excel in pacing our energy levels, at times we need to let go, surrender, and rest so that we can come back even with more persistence. The road to success is paved with mistakes, losses, and failures. That’s called experience and wisdom, being persistent helps us gain that level of understanding and experience and in the long run we get to train our leaders to do the same, how to persist in a healthy way.

Choose momentum, persistence over will-power.

Persistence is like a pathway for possible breakthroughs that we didn’t know we were going to have until we actually began to be persistent. And I see it as a way of being, although there are lots of doing these actions that come along with it. I believe that persistence drives the urgency of the actions, drives the conviction, and the actions. Some say it’s about willpower. I don’t know if it’s about willpower, the willpower depletes, and when nothing is in the tank and where do we go? You must push through, there’s always another level.

Always persist, don’t quit, go the extra mile, there’s no traffic on the extra mile.

The last stroke that breaks the rock is equally as important as the first stroke.

Persistence comes from some very deep code within you. It really comes from a deep desire. I totally think desire is one of the birthers of persistence. When you have that desire, even though your willpower depletes you still go on.

It’s only those who are persistent and willing to study things deeply, who achieve the masterwork.

Developing persistence is a master skill for success. It is easier to relax and do nothing, or just live in our comfort zone, rather than face the uncertainty and discomfort of pushing through to our goals. Plus, the idea of failure and hardship is unbearable.


If you want to create change in your life and achieve success, then you must change, now is the time to develop and master persistence.

Small Hinges awing big doors.

Here are 5 ways to help you develop persistence:

1. Small Moves. In the movie Contact, David Morse, Jodie Foster’s dad says Small moves Ellie, small moves. So start with making your bed every day. Be consistent, persistent about it. The same thing towards your Big Dream, Big Goal, start investing daily with small changes, walk the path one step at a time.

2. Celebrate Your Victories, no matter how small, Congratulate yourself even if no one is around, and keep on cheering for yourself. Believe and trust in your ability that you will persevere until you get there.

3. Learn about yourself on the way, the journey through life teaches us, find what motivates and inspires you. Look for healthy patterns of success cycles in your life and keep on repeating them.

4. Build a MOAI, as the Japanese would say, a tribe of empowered people around you that will push & pull you until you make it to the final goal. You become the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, choose wisely.

5. Find your Purpose, what is yours? Write and rewrite your goals daily and why it is you want what you say you want. Why you are doing what you are doing because when you have a big enough why you can withstand any what and the how shows up.

You don’t have to see the entire staircase just to take the first step.

Don’t Quit! In life, we all fall, but it’s not about how many times you fall, it’s about how many times you get up. If you fall down 7 times you get up 8 times. Most people fall and just get up and go, But what we must do is Get Up And Grow. We must all grow through what we go through or we’ll just keep going through it.

*This article contains bullet points from Achievers Breakfast Room hosted by #GetUpNGrow Club on Clubhouse. If you wish to hear us live, please do stop by. We serve Achievers Breakfast every day, Monday through Friday from 7 AM to 8:30 AM EST At the breakfast table we talk about success in every aspect of our lives from personal, business, financial, relationships, spiritual, mindset, and physical, mental, emotional health.

On certain days, we bring in guest speakers, businessmen & women, high achievers, world-renewed athletes, doctors, authors, speakers, scientists, visionaries, and more leaders in different fields.

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Yeliz Ruzgar

Inspire.Energize.Transform — V for Love, V for Peace, Yeliz’s holistic programs, speeches empower people to create a lifestyle that supports their core purpose.