Nothing is a coincidence, this is a sign!

Yeliz Ruzgar
5 min readApr 25, 2020


It was a rainy night in LA. It’s not much common that it rains in California, it actually never rains, it pours as the old song says…

Well, the weather was a direct reflection of my life. One bad thing was followed by another. If I’d knew what I know back then I could have managed the stress way better and not get myself sick.

I was diagnosed with a bleeding cyst on my right ovary at the emergency room of St. John’s Health Center by UCLA Medical Center in Santa Monica. I’ve never been a fan of hospitals, neither doctors with blinkers on but don’t get me wrong- I have a lot of doctor friends, not only that I speak at conferences with many meritorious professor's side by side. What I say is for the doctors that choose the shortcut of healing the symptoms rather than curing the root cause. Anyways, so there I was lying at the emergency room, 4–5 doctors around me saying I will need an operation and If the cyst gets ruptured I do have a chance of getting poisoned.

Only if I’d KNEW that “You are about to die!” was actually a birth to the NEW ME! I am so grateful to that bleeding cysts now which was the initial WAKE UP to my Life Purpose.

None of us are born “by coincidence” to this life. There’s a reason, purpose for our creation. And if every ‘provi-dence’, ‘resi-dence’, ‘correspon-dence’, ‘happens-tence’, ‘circums-tance’ even ‘acci-dence’ is a sign for us to awaken to our soul purpose, how can we learn this sign language of our soul so we can have a happy, healthy, wealthy long life?

Japanese call this “reason for being” — Ikigai, French call it “reason d’etre”, simply when you start a quest of “WHY — Why am I on this World?” — the “how” starts to show up in your life. You start to notice why you were born on a specific land, why to a specific nation, why to these parents, why you were compelled to go to other countries, why you like to do particular things and why you don’t others.

You are not just your body, neither your emotions nor just your mind or soul. You are a combitation of all — a holistic being. And if you can control what’s within you, your thoughts & emotions as well as your actions, you can date with your destiny and when you stay consistent on the path of evolution, you can marry it one day. Some call that state lucky, some mercy, some grace, some being one with God or Universe and everyone has been given an equal chance (means destiny) to get lucky if you do the work.

You are more than your mind, more than your body — You are a soul-being experiencing a journey, simulation called life. Your task is to shed the veils of your mind-ego, break the walls around your heart and elevate your soul — everyday — to shine your Light, your True Colors, your essence.

“What is my life purpose?”

Even asking it, will start shifting your biology, your DNA. You will start looking in a heightened awareness of everything around you and eventually will start noticing the signs, coincidences, synchronicities — simply the purpose in everything and every happening. When from that Samathi, Zero Point, Oneness Momement an emotion fills all your cells and your biology, as well as your whole being, lights up. YourDNA gets relaxed, and you even extend your life span.

Your “purpose” is not something that will come to you from an outside source. It’s already seeded within your DNA and is whispered to you at the time of the SunRise every morning. It is the energetic blockages that prevent us to see, hear and feel it.

When you are aligned with your purpose, everything in the universe alings for you and gets recreated for you to fulfill that purpose. Serendipity, coincidences, magical, miraculous, mind over matter happenstances start to ocur. You feel inspired, and energized. You feel happy and joyful, abundant and feel free — regardless of your bank account, you feel significant regardless of your brand, company, cars, yachts, houses, spouses. And you have an inner knowing a strong certainty that everything happens for a reason and always for a good reason. When you know your why, you also know why you are awakening to the World everyday, why you go through what you go through. You also know that when you have a big enough why to live you become limitless, unstoppable and start dreaming of achieving unimaginable things. Life starts happening for you, not to you. You become the purpose, the reason for the life force energy to flow through you.

I can hear you saying: “Yeliz amazing distinctions BUT …”

  • How do I find my Life Purpose?
  • If it’s not something I can find, how can I connect to it?
  • Is there 1 Life Purpose for everyone or multiple?
  • Can I alter my destiny?
  • What is the difference between soul & life purpose?

And if you have started to ask these questions — YOU ARE AT THE RIGHT PLACE!

Tonight (25/04) I will do an Instagram LIVE ( @yelizruzgarofficial ) on this topic. Come along.

Every Sunday 4pm (UK) — 6pm (Turkey) — 11am (NY) I host a FB Live Soul Master Group Gathering. Follow : Life Purpose — A Date with Destiny FB Group ( )

Anytime drop a line and tell me if you are on a Soul Path and living a Purposeful Life with Meaningful Coincidences:

NOW watch my TEDx Talk on “Nothing is a Coincidence. This is a sign.” I can not even believe that it’s been watched almost by half a million people. Looking forward to meeting them in LIVE too.



Yeliz Ruzgar

Inspire.Energize.Transform — V for Love, V for Peace, Yeliz’s holistic programs, speeches empower people to create a lifestyle that supports their core purpose.