How ? 20 Experts Share Their Proven Strategies for Reversing Chronic Diseases with Lifestyle Medicine & Health Coaching

Yeliz Ruzgar
4 min readFeb 5, 2023

Lifestyle medicine is an innovative approach to healthcare that focuses on prevention and wellness in order to create lasting changes in behavior and health outcomes — a shift from treating illness to focusing on the lifestyle choices necessary for optimal health. This comprehensive treatment plan takes into consideration not only physical activity but also nutrition, stress management, sleep habits, environment, relationships and other factors essential for wellbeing. By understanding how these elements work together, health coaches, nurses and doctors can partner with their patients inviting them to take control of their own health destiny — a much more integrative way of looking at preventing or managing chronic diseases. Further still this model helps inform influencers of mindsets they need when engaging with social media users who are searching for advice linked to their long term overall wellbeing!

Lifestyle medicine is an evidence-based framework that uses lifestyle interventions to prevent, treat and reverse chronic disease. It is the application of modern scientific knowledge on health and wellbeing to real world settings. The book “How Lifestyle Medicine Works” provides a detailed explanation of how this approach can be used in clinical practice. If you are interested in learning more about this topic, I encourage you to check out the book.

“Lifestyle medicine using low-tech, low-cost interventions can be powerful in preventing and treating disease.” says Dean Ornish, MD; one of the contributor doctor authors of Lifestyle Medicine Works book. He also talks about the unifying theory how lifestyle changes can help prevent and reverse so many different chronic diseases is that most diseases are not as different as we‘ve been told.

Dean Ornish, MD Father of Lifestyle Medicine

As he’s worked with different diseases, diagnoses, and treatments, he discovered the manifestations are the results of the same underlying biological mechanisms.

Commonalities in each of these genes and mechanisms include: 

Chronic inflammation 

Overstimulation of the sympathetic nervous system 

Changes in immune function, and the microbiome 

Oxidative stress 

Apoptosis (programmed cell death) 

Angiogenesis and telomere changes 

Gene expressions

These are directly influenced by:

What we eat 

How we respond to stress 

Amount of exercise 21 

Love in our lives 

Social and personal support

All of this helps explain why we often find the same person with a collection of diseases, issues, and health imbalances including:

Weight problems 

High blood pressure 

High cholesterol 

Type 2 diabetes 

Heart disease

We can see again, the same diseases manifesting in different ways, as well as the same manifestations from different diseases. This helps explain why, as an example, T. Colin Campbell‘s, The China Project, also one of the contributor authors of book, concluded one of the most comprehensive nutritional studies every undertaken: ―China at that time presented researchers with a unique opportunity. The Chinese population tended to live in the same area all their lives and to consume the same diets unique to each region. Their diets (low in fat and high in dietary fiber and plant material) also were in stark contrast to the rich diets of the Western countries. The truly plant-based nature of the rural Chinese diet gave researchers a chance to compare plant-based diets with animal-based diets.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) even released a report that lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of chronic disease, stating that better dietary options, as well as increased physical activity and weight management has many benefits. Proof again that the same lifestyle changes affect so many different aspects of our health and lives.

In conclusion, Lifestyle Medicine and Health Coaching are two important tools that can be used to end non-communicable, chronic health issues. I’ve been working in this space for over 15 years and am confident that, with the right protocols and support, anyone can overcome these conditions. If you want to learn more about how Lifestyle Medicine works, check out my book In it, I lay out all of the steps needed to reverse chronic disease and improve your overall health. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the book so please feel free to reach out to me at

Your feedback is always welcome, so please let me know your thoughts on the book once you have had a chance to read it.



Yeliz Ruzgar

Inspire.Energize.Transform — V for Love, V for Peace, Yeliz’s holistic programs, speeches empower people to create a lifestyle that supports their core purpose.